Toiletries for RRSG
Latest News > 2020 Updates
The Rotary Club of Reading is well placed to help refugees settle in and is proud to welcome new arrivals to the town.
We have an established close relationship with the Reading Refugee Support Group, RRSG, with whom we are able to work with to assist providing items that will make a difference.
In September the Club provided laptops to RRSG, to enable refugees to keep in touch with their families and help them seek work opportunities.
As a further step to help the new arrivals, Reading Rotary is supplying a selection of appropriate toiletry packs and each refugee will receive a letter of 'Welcome'. Nick Harborne CEO of the Refugee Support Group (L) and John Osborne from Reading Rotary displaying toiletry bags for Refugees arriving in Reading
Read more about the Reading Refugee Support group here>

Some of our members also help the refugees improve their English through regular sessions. RRSG is always looking for more volunteers to help.