Club Structure - The Rotary Club of Reading

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Club Structure

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Club council
This comprises the President, Sevior VP, Junior VP, Immediate Past President, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and six members nominated by the president - typically, but not necessarily, the leaders of each of the other teams.

Note All members are welcome to attend Council or any other meeting of the Club but without entitlement to vote.l
All the following teams report to Counci
Club Services
This team is headed by the SVP and looks after admin rather than the charitable work of the club. For example, the Speaker Sec and Social Sec report to this team.
Community and Vocational
The name says it all. The team deals with any good cause projects – mainly local – except those handled by the more specialised  teams below.  Poppy Day collecting in the Oracle is a regular as is support for the Salvation Army. After vetting, the team helps numerous small charities many linked to the homeless and those being exploited. Our annual Santa Run is nominally part of Community Services but this large event has a team of its own. All members are expected to help on the day.
Fund Raising / Santa Run Team
This team is dedicted to planning and organising the annual Santa Fun Run in central Reading which is usually held in early December Read more>
International and Foundation
The International and Foundation team cover:
  • Help in disaster emergencies by providing shelter boxes and water boxes
  • Infrastructure projects such as building a school in Uganda, extending a hospital in Tanzania as well as funding sand dams in India
  • Helping disadvantaged overseas communities become more independent by buying wheel chairs and tools
  • Read more>
Reading Rotary Community Project. (RRCP)
This charity within the Club has built Centenary House, a seven-unit property for homeless single persons, which is managed by partner local charity Launchpad. The property produces fair rent income for the Club, which is used to support a number of grants each year. Currently RRCP is supporting Berkshire Women's Aid with expertise and funding for three new bed-sit units in Reading. Read more>
Youth Opportunities
The team mainly deals with the under 18s with a number of school projects ranging from courses to educate youngsters about the dangers of the internet to helping encourage gardening hobbies. The annual Rotary Leadership (RYLA) course in Snowdonia is a regular feature. Read more>
and more about RYLA here
MembershipA new team focusing on membership
Rotary in the area and further afield
RRC is part of District 1090, which covers south-central England and is part of Rotary Great Britain and Ireland and in turn Rotary International. District 1090 is divided into nine zones and RRC is in Green Zone, which consists of six clubs in the Reading area. RRC members make a major contribution to the organisation of District 1090’s Rotary Young Leaders’ Awards (RYLA) annual course in North Wales.

Reading Rotary club members can see the dates for the team meetings here> and details of the roles and responsbilities of the club officers here>
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