International team projects
The Rotary Club of Reading International Team has insitgated and supported many projects over recent years, heres a brief list from 2004 - 2020:-
- Sponsorship of children aboard.
- Shelter Boxes and Water Boxes are sent out to disaster areas around the world
- 2004- Nyumbani. Construction project for a home for Babies with aids in Kenya outside Nairobi
- 2004 Tsunami RITA
- 2006-8 Re-equiping a Zanzibar St Camilla Dispensary £6,000
- 2010. Haiti earthquake. £5,000 plus raised street collection
- 2011 Wellington New Zealand earthquake £1,000 donated
- 2011 - 2014. Building PHF hospital Pakistan, RRC affiliated project run by team setting up a separate charity.
- 2016 Sand Dam. £7,500
- 2017 The Village of Hope India, supply of specialised wheelchairs
- 2019-2020 Nick van der Borgh school Uganda was built for 350 pupils
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